Optimal mixture for Malawi cichlids. It contains artemia, krill pacifica, fish meat and mysis. Spirulina is added to improve the colours of your fish.
Discus Basic mix
3F standard Discus mix. High protein beef heart and spinach are the basis of this mixture. Garlic is added to prevent worm diseases.
Discus Special mix
3F Discus Special mix contains both high protein beef heart as well as other natural products like krill, brine shrimp and mysis.
Special mix
Mixture of blood worms, daphnia and artemia (brine shrimp) suitable for all tropical fish but not recommended for Discus and Cichlids.
Artemia (Brine shrimp)
Is suitable for both fresh water and marine fish. In order to insure good survival and growth artemia is found to be a critical food for many young fish.
Tropical Quartet
Four different products, Brine Shrimps, Daphnia, Blood Worms, Glass Worms, all together in one packaging (4 x 5 food sticks or 6 x 4 blister cubes).
Marine mix
Perfect food especially developed for all types of marine fish.
Cichlid mix
3F standard mixture for cichlids which contains high protein beef heart, fish meat, krill, mysis, artemia and some blood worms.
DiscusWorld Juvenile
Mixture for discus fish 0-5 months. DiscusWorld Juvenile is especially developed for young discus fish.